History of Espionage

The Illegal Legislated THEFT from the US taxpayers

The History of Israeli Espionage: The United States Greatest Ally

The Jonathan Pollard Spy Case:
 The CIA's 1987 Damage Assessment Declassified
New Details on What Secrets Israel Asked Pollard to Steal
CIA Withholding Overturned on Appeal by National Security Archive
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 407
Posted - December 14, 2012

Jonathan Pollard, I.D. Photograph
Credit: U.S. Naval intelligence
Washington, DC, December 14, 2012 When Naval Investigative Service analyst Jonathan Pollard spied for Israel in 1984 and 1985, his Israeli handlers asked primarily for nuclear, military and technical information on the Arab states, Pakistan, and the Soviet Union not on the United States according to the newly-declassified CIA 1987 damage assessment of the Pollard case, published today by the National Security Archive at George Washington University (www.nsarchive.org).
The damage assessment includes new details on the specific subjects and documents sought by Pollard's Israeli handlers (pages 36-43), such as Syrian drones and central communications, Egyptian missile programs, and Soviet air defenses. The Israelis specifically asked for a signals intelligence manual that they needed to listen in on Soviet advisers in Syria. The document describes how Pollard's handler, Joseph Yagur, told him to ignore a request, from Yagur's boss, for U.S. "dirt" on senior Israeli officials and told Pollard that gathering such information would terminate the operation (page 38).

The assessment also notes that Pollard volunteered delivery of three daily intelligence summaries that had not been requested by his handlers, but which proved useful to them, and ultimately handed over roughly 1,500 such messages from the Middle East and North Africa Summary (MENAS), the Mediterranean Littoral Intelligence Summary (MELOS), and the Indian Ocean Littoral Intelligence Summary, in addition to the more than 800 compromised documents on other subjects that Pollard delivered to the Israelis in suitcases.
The damage assessment also features a detailed 21-page chronology of Pollard's personal life and professional career, including his work for the Israelis, highlighting more than a dozen examples of unusual behavior by Pollard that the CIA suggests should have, in retrospect, alerted his supervisors that he was a security risk. Prominent on the list were false statements by Pollard during a 1980 assignment with Task Force 168, the naval intelligence element responsible for HUMINT collection. Pollard is now serving a life sentence in prison for espionage.  ( Pollard who should have been executed was released in 2015 )



The astonishing degree to which Israeli and Soviet intelligence has taken over the U. S. Justice Department has come into focus following the ouster of Deputy Attorney General Arnold I. Burns and Criminal Division director William F. Weld on March 29. Burns and Weld have claimed they left office because their factional enemy, Attorney General Edwin Meese, is corrupt, and that their effort to oust him had failed. Washington insiders point to Bums and Weld's known ties to George Bush, and see their departure as evidence of a brutal Bush campaign shake-up. Neither version is correct. It now appears that the reason Burns and Weld fled office, is that U. S intelligence professionals are on the verge of proving that both officials oversaw crucial aspects of the Jonathan Pollard Mossad-KGB spy ring. Pollard had been arrested in November 1985 for spying for Israel; subsequent
investigation has proven his Israeli controllers sold much of his information to Moscow. Both officials have good reason to fear potential indictment for espionage or obstructing government investigations into espionage.

The Pollard connection

The connection of the Burns-Weld ring to Pollard first emerged publicly on April 11, when the Washington Times began a three-part series into Burns's corruption, based on government leaks. The Times exposed the amazing fact that Burns had been the target of a 1986 government inquiry into fraudulent tax shelters. Burns was then the third ranking official in the department. The Times also reported that Weld had crushed the investigation into the Burns tax evasion scheme. Apparently unbeknownst to the Times, the particular corporate fronts established by Burns, were not merely scams.  They were part of the network which "tasked " Pollard on behalf of Jerusalem-and Moscow. The behavior of Burns and Weld is extraordinary, even if espionage were not involved. According to the Times' sources, and since confirmed independently, Burns and his law firm, Burns, Summit, Rovins, and Feldesman, drew up the papers for at least 15 different multimillion-dollar tax shelters in the Bahamas, beginning in 1978. According to the Internal Revenue Service, the Burns scheme was a "sham operation set up for investors to claim improper tax deductions, " through supposed business losses on claimed investments that were never actually made. In 1986, Burns, then the Associate Attorney General of the United States, was forced to pay more than $100,000 in back taxes which he had evaded through falsely claiming business losses. Moreover, Burns was compelled by subpoena to testify in a California tax case which had been taken out against two of his co-investors in the scheme. Two of Burns's partners at his firm were also compelled to testify, as was Burns's business partner, Edward C. Levine, whose connection to Pollard will be noted below.
Prosecutors at the trial, U.S.mes Brown, demonstrated that the tax shelter's supposed research operation of investigating new techniques in steroid production, which was used to claim a $1.4 million business loss for 10 investors, did not exist. The tax scheme was a phony. Burns admitte vs. Jad under oath that he had drafted the documents for the scheme. Meanwhile, Burns's partner, Edward Levine, took the Fifth Amendment.
Following his testimony, the IR S continued its probe into other Burns schemes.

The nature of Burns's 15 Bahamas-based corporate fronts is indicated by the following facts. Bums's companies were not merely used to facilitate the laundering of personal funds out of the reach of the IR S. The facts suggest that the firms were crucial to the Israeli intelligence ring which ran Jonathan Pollard:

All 15 of Burn's Bahamas corporations did business
exclusively in Israel, and only under the personal direction
and authorization of Dr. Yigal Ehrlich, the Israeli Ministry
of Industry's chief scientist. Minister of Industry Ariel Sharon,
Ehrlich's superior, controlled the Pollard network, via
his chief subordinate, Rafi Eytan, who directed LEKEM, the
Israeli spy agency, which employed Pollard.
All of Burns's corporations were established by Israel
D. Rosen, an Israeli attorney based in New York. Rosen is
an agent of BIRD, the U. S.-Israeli Binational Research and
Development Foundation, which is the primary front for
LEKEM in the United States. BIRD's counsel, Howard Katz,
was Pollard's paymaster.
• Burns's chief sidekick in these schemes, outside of
Rosen, was the above-mentioned Edward Levine. In the spring
of 1986, Levine was subpoenaed by the IR S in relation to
Burns's tax schemes. He promptly retained the counsel of
the law firm, Anderson, Hibey, the same law firm that was
simultaneously representing Jonathan Pollard for espionage.
• Burns was parachuted into the Justice Department as
its number-three official in January 1986, a mere two months
after Pollard's arrest. Burns's nomination was the result of
the pressure of the law firm of Elliot Richardson, the mentor
of William Weld. Burns's nomination shocked observers: He
had never worked for the government, and had never even
participated in a criminal case. Burns's chief preoccupation
at Justice has been to protect the LEKEM network.
Investigations by EIR have determined the following
shocking features of the Pollard spy network, of which Bums
was a figure. The true story has never been told before.

How LEKEM works in the U.S.

The actual U. S. station chief for LEKEM in the United
States is General Itzhak Ya'akov, who is now based out of
Robotics and Software International (R SI) in New York.
Y a' akov is the former chief scientist of both the Israeli Defense
Forces and the Israeli Defense Ministry. Ya'akov retired
at an early age, in 1980, and emigrated to New York,
nominally to solicit high-technology investment into Israel,
especially its arms industries. His prime assignment, however,
was to field espionage networks, including those later
directing Pollard.
Ya'akov was certainly well suited for both tasks, having
formed or sponsored a dozen of Israel's top arms industries
and arms smuggling fronts. Some of these fronts later were
implicated in the Iran-Contra sales which the U. S. Justice
Department has done so much to protect. Ya'akov himself
has traveled to Iran on several occasions, according to some
reports, on behalf of these U. S. -Israeli sales.

  • According to the Report of the Congressional Committees Investigating the Iran-Contra Affair issued in November 1987, the sale of U.S. arms to Iran through Israel began in the summer of 1985, after receiving the approval of President Reagan. The report shows that Israel's involvement was stimulated by separate overtures in 1985 from Iranian arms merchant Manucher Ghorbanifar and National Security Council (NSC) consultant Michael Ledeen, the latter working for National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane. When Ledeen asked Prime Minister Shimon Peres for assistance, the Israeli leader agreed to sell weapons to Iran at America's behest, providing the sale had high-level U.S. approval.
Before the Israelis would participate, says the report, they demanded "a clear, express and binding consent by the U.S. Government." McFarlane told the Congressional committee he first received President Reagan's approval in July 1985. In August, Reagan again orally authorized the first sale of weapons to Iran, over the objections of Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and Secretary of State George Shultz. Because of that deal, Rev. Benjamin Weir, held captive in Lebanon for 16 months, was released.
When a shipment of HAWK missiles was proposed in November of that year, Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin again demanded specific U.S. approval. According to McFarlane, the President agreed.
By December 1985, the President had decided future sales to the Iranians would come directly from U.S. supplies.

From <https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-iran-contra-affair>

But Ya'akov's connections are not simply to Israel.
Ya'akov's Russian-born wife has had a series of interesting
previous marriages into the exiled Russian nobility. U. S.
intelligence sources report she has come under investigation
for possible ties to the KGB. Ya'akov and his wife travel to
the U. S. S.R. every year.
Among the most significant operations established by
Ya'akov is BIRD. BIRD had been formed in May 1977 by
the U . S. and Israeli governments, nominally to "promote and
support mutually profitable cooperation between the private
sectors of the U. S. and Israeli high-technology industry.

In fact, BIRD's purpose was to facilitate Israeli scientific espionage
in the United States, as later seen by its "tasking " of
Pollard. This espionage was sanctioned by networks within
the U.S. government as part of the secret protocols of the
1979 Camp David accords.
The chairman of the Executive Committee of BIRD is the
abovementioned Dr. Yigal Ehrlich, the chief scientist of the
Israeli Ministry of Industry. There are two prominent Americans
on BIRD's board of governors. One was, until recently,
John Negroponte, currently deputy director of the National
Security Council, and one of the principal overseers of the
Iran-Contra deals. The other is Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury for International Affairs, David C. Mulford. Mulford
is a former senior officer in White, Weld, William Weld's
family firm.
Simultaneous with the formation of BIRD, Arnold Burns
began forming a series of Bahamian-Israeli research firms,
which to the naive government investigator, appeared to be
mere shady tax shelters, or fronts for illegal tax scams .Every
single one of Burns's firms was established by Burns in
coordination with the abovementioned BIRD agent Israel
Rosen. All projects carried out at the firms was done under
the authority of BIRD's Ehrlich.
The ADL angle
Arnold Burns's connections to the Israeli- Soviet espionage
did not merely proceed through his business ties to
LEKEM's BIRD network. His close involvement with the
Anti-Defamation League of B ' nai B 'rith should already have
alerted U.S. counterintelligence to his dubious loyalties. The
ADL is not merely an organized-crime front established by
Meyer Lansky's syndicate: It has deep connections to both
Soviet and Israeli intelligence.

1979-1983 Richard Kelly Smyth/Arnon Milchan/Benjamin Netanyahu

In 1985 Richard Kelly Smyth, a physicist and businessman who had contracted with NATO and NASA was arrested for illegally passing 15 shipments of nuclear triggering devices to the Israeli government via an Israeli trading company. He was sentenced to 40 months in prison but was immediately eligible for parole because he was 72 years old at the time of his sentencing.
On May 3, 2017 the Department of Homeland Security released the most detailed files to date on the 1979-1983 Richard Kelly Smyth/Arnon Milchan/Benjamin Netanyahu krytron smuggling ring. The 100-page dossier (PDF) answers important questions about how highly sensitive US nuclear weapons technologies were smuggled out of the country in the early 1980s.

From <https://original.antiwar.com/smith-grant/2017/05/10/how-to-smuggle-us-nuclear-triggers-to-israel/>

Krytrons are sophisticated triggers for the detonation of nuclear bombs. According to Smyth, Milchan’s company had pushed him hard for the krytrons and knew perfectly what they were for—even though it was illegal to export them from the U.S. without a U.S. State Department munitions license. Milchan’s Heli Trading Ltd. had ordered 14 shipments totaling 810 krytrons from 1979-82. Now U.S. Customs and the FBI had moved in and the entire Milco operation was in jeopardy. Milchan feared that a politically ambitious and publicity-hungry U.S. prosecutor would come hunting for him, he told us.

Milchan first met Smyth in 1968, when U.S.-based defense contractor Rockwell Inc. sent its newly appointed vice president to Tel Aviv to downgrade relations, under pressure from the Arab world.

Smyth was a senior engineer with a B.S. in physics from Caltech as well as a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and mathematics from USC.

As Milchan grew in his fathers "ferilizer business, he had come to the attention of up-and-coming politician Shimon Peres, who introduced Milchan to Benjamin Blumberg, nicknamed Israel’s “prince of silence,” the head of LAKAM (a Hebrew acronym for the Science Liaison Bureau). LAKAM’s very existence was unknown to the United States at the time.

( Lekem, (also pronounced "Lakam") an acronym for ha-Lishka le-Kishrei Mada (Hebrew: הלשכה לקשרי מדע‎, Bureau of Scientific Relations), was an Israeli intelligence agency headed by Benjamin Blumberg (1957–1981), and Rafi Eitan (1981–1986). It collected scientific and technical intelligence abroad from both open and covert sources, particularly for Israel's nuclear program. )

Blumberg taught Milchan how to establish front companies and secret bank accounts; meanwhile, foreign arms suppliers like Rockwell and Raytheon were encouraged to hire Milchan as their “representative” in Israel. Within a few years, he was acting as a middleman for weapons transactions, raking in hundreds of millions of dollars in commissions that in fact would fund LAKAM and Mossad activities.
Now here he was, meeting Smyth on Israel’s behalf, to do a deal with Rockwell.
Their first joint endeavor was a Rockwell–Israel Aircraft Industries project called Ibex, designed to develop a sophisticated ring of electronic listening posts around the borders of Iran, as Milchan confirmed in our interview.

Milchan, in late 1972, over dinner at Tel Aviv’s Kasbah restaurant, suggested this was the moment for Smyth to make “real money” in his own procurement business by striking out on his own. It was a risk; matters like health insurance, retirement pension and job security weighed heavily on Smyth. But when Milchan emphasized that he could supply him with all of the orders he could possibly handle, Smyth agreed.
“Greed was certainly a factor,” Milchan reflected when we asked about Smyth’s thinking. Smyth broached the notion to Rockwell and was surprised that his bosses were delighted: Having him operate independently gave them a solution to the constant pressure they’d felt from the Saudis to cut ties with Israel. Instead of ordering from Rockwell directly, trade with Israel could be funneled through Smyth’s new company, Milco International Inc. And so on January 19, 1973, Smyth officially registered Milco in Orange County, Calif., and got his new business under way. Its dealings with Milchan Brothers—Arnon’s Israel-based company—were simple: Milchan’s office manager, Dvora Ben Yitzhak, working directly with Blumberg, would send a coded telex to Smyth listing sensitive items that they wished to order on behalf of Israel. Milchan himself would make contact only when necessary.
“Everything I did, I did in coordination with Mr. Milchan and was in contact with him almost on a daily basis,” Dvora told us in October 2009.
“Milco and their employees had secret clearances that permitted them to [obtain] consulting contracts with government agencies and contractors,” Smyth wrote in an extraordinary book about his exploits, Irrational Indictment & Imprisonment For Export Krytrons to Israel, written in 2008 under the pseudonym Dr. Jon Schiller—one of several sources for Smyth’s true story, in addition to documentation from his legal proceedings and confirmation supplied by a high-level Israeli intelligence operative.
After a while, that included the purchase of krytrons, a small, seventy five dollar, cold-cathode gas filled tube intended for use as a high-speed switch, which among other things, serves as triggers for the detonation of nuclear bombs. It was illegal to export krytrons at the time without a munitions export license, and its export to Israel had been rejected before.
“It’s always the little things that cause the most problems,” Milchan shrugged, when we asked him about it.

Over the following decade, Smyth’s business moved briskly.
He was able to ship long lists of sensitive products to Israel: training simulators for air defense missiles, voice scramblers and lasers, computerized flight control systems, thermal batteries, gyroscopes for missile guidance systems, neutron generators, high-speed oscilloscopes, high voltage condensers, and many other dual-use components—almost everything a country might need to turn itself into a high-tech, nuclear armed powerhouse.
Smyth’s relationship with Milchan was all-important; over 80 percent of his business with Israel was done through Milchan Bros. and satellite companies such as Heli Trading. Thanks to Milchan, Smyth grew wealthy, maintaining two waterfront properties in Huntington Beach and an apartment on Catalina Island, Calif. He joined the local Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club there and by 1977 had reached the membership rank of commodore.

Then on Christmas Eve, 1984, just as Milchan was working on Once Upon a Time in America, Smyth flipped through his mail and found a letter ordering him to appear before a federal prosecutor in Los Angeles to answer questions about the krytrons and face possible charges of high crimes and misdemeanors.

From <https://www.thedailybeast.com/arnon-milchan-excerpt-from-confidential-about-his-work-for-israeli-intelligence>

Richard Kelly Smyth/Arnon Milchan/Benjamin Netanyahu

During 1980 shipped 610 Krytrons to HELI. Al) were invoiced and shipped as "pentodes," a false and inaccurate description/. All correspondence relating to the‘se
transactions referred to "project pinto." It seems that all of the projects with Israel were given code names.
It is most likely that the subject Krytrons were imported into Israel for use In Israel. However, diversion to South Africa, Pakistan or some other country is possible.
Criminal Case Report Dated December 4 t 1984. with Exhibits.
Illegal Export of Controlled Nuclear Items
RE:ICE FOIA Case Number 2016-ICFO-46208

A federal grand jury investigation into the possible illegal sale of atomic weapon timing devices to Israel involves a small Huntington Beach electronics firm, the company's attorney confirmed Wednesday.
James Riddet, an attorney representing Milco International Inc., said, "I can tell you there's a federal grand jury investigation and that's all." U.S. policy forbids exportation of the devices, called krytrons, without State Department permission.

From <http://articles.latimes.com/1985-05-16/business/fi-17579_1_huntington-beach>


1993: ADL
In 1993 a massive ADL-led spying operation was busted targeting numerous institutions and individuals, including the NAACP and even the San Francisco police. The data was being passed to Israel, and in some cases South Africa. The city dropped criminal prosecution of the case after lobbying from local Jewish organizations, but the ADL was forced to settle a civil lawsuit out of court for an undisclosed sum.

Over a 30-year period, he compiled computer files for the ADL on 9876
individuals and more than 950 groups of all political stripes,
including the NAACP, the Rainbow Coalition, ACLU, the American Indian
Movement, the Center for Investigative Reporting, Pacifica, ACT UP,
Palestinian and Arab groups, Sandinista solidarity groups, Americans
for Peace Now, and anti-apartheid organizations.  Bullock, who even
spied on the recently slain South African nationalist Chris Hani when
he visited the Bay Area in April 1991, sold many of his ADL files on
anti-apartheid activists to South African intelligence.  Meanwhile,
between 1985 and 1993, the ADL paid him nearly $170,000, using a
prominent Beverly Hills attorney as a conduit in order to conceal its
financial relationship with Bullock.
 According to court records, Bullock's files
contained the driver's license and vehicle registration information,
in addition to criminal histories on individuals -- much of which was
allegedly stolen from the FBI and police computers.  Bullock, 58, told
the FBI that copies of virtually everything in his computer data base
had been given to the San Francisco ADL office.  "Based on the
evidence," says Inspector Ron Roth, in a police affidavit, "I believe
that Roy Bullock and ADL had numerous peace officers supplying them
with confidential criminal and DMV information."
Investigations by the FBI and police in San Francisco have revealed
that the ADL has shared at least some of its spy gathering material
with Israeli government officials.
  What's more, Israel apparently used
tips from the ADL to detain Palestinian Americans who travelled there.

1987 ADL
In 1987, the ADL sent Bullock to attend the National Association of
Arab Americans annual congress in Washington.  According to court
documents, Bullock was told to find the source of the group's funds.
Bullock was unable to "follow the money."  But he did such a good job
at ingratiating himself that he was appointed to head a NAAA
delegation that visited Congress member Nancy Pelosi.

1986 ADL - Thomas Girard
Bullock soon expanded his horizons, moving into the shadowy realm of
foreign espionage after Richard Hirschhaut, the head of ADL's San
Francisco office, introduced him to Thomas Gerard in 1986.  Gerard was
then a detective with the San Francisco Police Department's
Intelligence Unit.  Gerard had worked as a demolitions expert for the
CIA in El Salvador in the early 1980s, where he apparently had more
than a passing interest in right-wing death squads.  (Police searching
Gerard's briefcase found extensive CIA literature about torture and
interrogation, photos of blindfolded and chained men, as well as
passports made out to Gerard in 10 different names, including Thomas
Clouseau.  From a remote jungle island redoubt in the Philippines
where he fled last November, Gerard told the Los Angeles Times that he
will blow the lid off the CIA's involvement with Latin American death
squads if he is indicted in the ADL spy case.)

1987 ADL
While the ADL worked quietly with America's top cops, it enjoyed
similar ties with Israel's spy agencies -- a charge that ADL leaders
vehemently deny.  But as early as July 7, 1961, ADL director Benjamin
Epstein wrote to B'nai B'rith executive secretary Saul Joftes,
requesting $25,000 for his investigators.  "Our information," he
boasted to Joftes, "in addition to being essential for our own
operations, has been of great value and service to both the United
States Department and the Israeli Government.  All data have been made
available to both countries with full knowledge to each that we are
the source."

ADL spy scandal
just won't go away
by Jeffrey Steinberg  1993

Despite a no-holds-barred arm-twisting and public relations campaign by Anti-Defamation League attorneys, media
apologists, and power brokers, the San Francisco ADL spy scandal which came under investigation by law enforcement
authorities last January just won't disappear. Throughout the summer, according to sources close to
the office of San Francisco District Attorney Arlo Smith, a battery of ADL lawyers-all former U.S. Attorneys attempted
to strike a plea agreement that would avert felony indictments against senior League officials on charges ranging
from illegal possession of confidential government data, to tax evasion, to foreign espionage.

In May, a co-conspirator in the case, former San Francisco Police Inspector Tom Gerard,
was indicted on five California state felony counts, and the indictment specified similar criminal acts by longtime
ADL undercover snoop Roy Bullock. Neither Bullock nor ADL officials Irwin Suall, Mira Lansky Boland, Richard
Hirschhaut, Judge Bruce Hochman, and David Lehrer have been indicted yet, although all have been identified as key
players in the West Coast spy ring, and Assistant San Francisco District Attorney John Dwyer told reporters earlier
this year that the ADL's Fact Finding Division, headquartered in New York City, was at the center of the criminal
In fact, sources close to the San Francisco probe report that the "mother lode" of illegally obtained spy data is maintained
at the ADL' s national headquarters in New York City, where there is reportedly a large file room containing microfilm
copies of data on over a million American citizens.

1996: Office of Naval Intelligence
In 1996 it was revealed that the Office of Naval Intelligence had confirmed that “US technology has been acquired [by China]
 through Israel in the form of the Lavi fighter and possibly SAM [surface-to-air] missile technology.” According to the report, this technology transfer
“represents a dramatic step forward for Chinese military aviation.”

Israeli Espionage Against the US dated 2004:
This survey of Israeli spying on the US was compiled in 1997.

The Washington Post reported in a front-page story on May 7th, 1997 that US intelligence had intercepted a conversation in which two Israeli officials had discussed the possibility of getting a confidential letter that then-Secretary of State Warren Christopher had written to Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat. One of the Israelis had commented that they may get the letter from “Mega”– apparently a codename for an Israeli agent within the US government.

Three relevant documents were made public in early 1996:
1) A General Accounting Office report “Defense Industrial Security: Weaknesses in US Security Arrangements With Foreign-Owned Defense Contractors” found that according to intelligence sources “Country A” (identified by intelligence sources as Israel, Washington Times, 2/22/96) “conducts the most aggressive espionage operation against the United States of any US ally.” The Jerusalem Post (8/30/96) quoted the report, “Classified military information and sensitive military technologies are high-priority targets for the intelligence agencies of this country.”
The report described “An espionage operation run by the intelligence organization responsible for collecting scientific and technologic information for [Israel] paid a US government employee to obtain US classified military intelligence documents.” The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (Shawn L. Twing, April 1996) noted that this was “a reference to the 1985 arrest of Jonathan Pollard, a civilian US naval intelligence analyst who provided Israel’s LAKAM [Office of Special Tasks] espionage agency an estimated 800,000 pages of classified US intelligence information.”
The GAO report also noted that “Several citizens of [Israel] were caught in the United States stealing sensitive technology used in manufacturing artillery gun tubes.”
2) An Office of Naval Intelligence document, “Worldwide Challenges to Naval Strike Warfare” reported that “US technology has been acquired [by China] through Israel in the form of the Lavi fighter and possibly SAM [surface-to-air] missile technology.” Jane’s Defense Weekly (2/28/96) noted that “until now, the intelligence community has not openly confirmed the transfer of US technology [via Israel] to China.” The report noted that this “represents a dramatic step forward for Chinese military aviation.” (Flight International, 3/13/96)
3) The Defense Investigative Service circulated a memo in late 1995 warning US military contractors that “Israel aggressively collects [US] military and industrial technology.” The report stated that Israel obtains information using “ethnic targeting, financial aggrandizement, and identification and exploitation of individual frailties” of US citizens. (Washington Post, 1/30/96) (This report was criticized by several groups for allegedly implying that Americans Jews were particularly suspect.)

From New York Times December 22, 1985, by David K. Shipler:

Many American officials are convinced of Israel’s ability, on a routine basis, to obtain sensitive information about this county’s secret weapons, advanced technology and internal policy deliberations in Washington…
The F.B.I. knew of at least a dozen incidents in which American officials transferred classified information to the Israelis, [former Assistant Director of the F.B.I.] Mr. [Raymond] Wannal said. The Justice Department did not prosecute.
“When the Pollard case broke, the general media and public perception was that this was the first time this had ever happen,” said John Davitt, former chief of the Justice Department’s internal security section. “No, that’s not true at all. The Israeli intelligence service, when I was in the Justice Department, [1950-1980] was the second most active in the United States, to the Soviets.”

The name “Mega” in the recent Washington Post story may be noteworthy:
[I]llicitly obtained intelligence was flying so voluminously from LAKAM into Israeli intelligence that a special code name, JUMBO, was added to the security markings already on the documents. There were strict orders, [Ari] Ben-Menashe recalled: “Anything marked JUMBO was not supposed to be discussed with your American counterparts.”

One of the little-known aspects of the Pollard case is that information was passed along by the Israelis to the Soviets:
One senior American intelligence official confirmed that there have been distinct losses of human and technical intelligence collection ability inside the Soviet Union that have been attributed, after extensive analysis, to Pollard.

  • In March 1978, Stephen Bryen, then a Senate Foreign Relations Committee staffer, was overheard in a DC hotel offering confidential documents to top Israeli military officials. The F.B.I. found Bryen’s fingerprints on the documents in question, and he admitted to having obtained them the night before the meeting with the Israelis. Bryen was forced to quit his job, but was never indicted. He was later brought on to the Defense Department as a deputy to Reagan Administration Assistant Secretary Richard Pearle. There Bryen was in charge of such matters as overseeing technology transfers in the Mideast.
As late as 1992, Stephen Bryen was serving on board of the pro-Israeli Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs while continuing as a paid consultant — with security clearance — on exports of sensitive US technology. (Wall Street Journal, 1/22/92, Edward T. Pound and David Rogers)

From <https://www.counterpunch.org/2004/08/30/israeli-espionage-against-the-us/>

April 24, 1987 Wall Street Journal headline: “Role of Israel in Iran-Contra Scandal Won’t be Explored in Detail by Panels”
* In 1992, the Wall Street Journal reported that Israeli agents apparently tried to steal Recon Optical Inc’s top-secret airborne spy-camera system. (1/17/92, Edward T. Pound and David Rogers).
* In early 1997, an Army mechanical engineer, David A. Tenenbaum, told investigators that he “inadvertently” gave classified military information on missile systems and armored vehicles to Israeli officials (New York Times, 2/20/97).

From <https://www.counterpunch.org/2004/08/30/israeli-espionage-against-the-us/>


U.S. intelligence officials are saying—albeit very quietly, behind closed doors on Capitol Hill—that our Israeli “friends” have gone too far with their spying operations here.
According to classified briefings on legislation that would lower visa restrictions on Israeli citizens, Jerusalem’s efforts to steal U.S. secrets under the cover of trade
 missions and joint defense technology contracts have “crossed red lines.” Israel’s espionage activities in America are unrivaled and unseemly, counterspies have
 told members of the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees, going far beyond activities by other close allies, such as Germany, France, the U.K. and Japan.
 A congressional staffer familiar with a briefing last January called the testimony “very sobering…alarming…even terrifying.” Another staffer called it “damaging.” 
The Jewish state’s primary target: America’s industrial and technical secrets. 

“No other country close to the United States continues to cross the line on espionage like the Israelis do,” said a former congressional staffer who attended another
classified briefing in late 2013, one of several in recent months given by officials from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the State Department, the FBI and
 the National Counterintelligence Directorate. The intelligence agencies didn’t go into specifics, the former aide said, but cited “industrial espionage—folks coming over
 here on trade missions or with Israeli companies working in collaboration with American companies, [or] intelligence operatives being run directly by the government,
which I assume meant out of the [Israeli] Embassy.” 

Excerpt: March 2015
 The top-secret NSA documents, which state that Israel targets the U.S. government for invasive electronic surveillance, and does so more aggressively and threateningly than almost any other country in the world. Indeed, so concerted and aggressive are Israeli efforts against the U.S. that some key U.S. government documents — including the top secret 2013 intelligence budget — list Israel among the U.S.’s most threatening cyber-adversaries and as a “hostile” foreign intelligence service.
One top-secret 2008 document features an interview with the NSA’s Global Capabilities Manager for Countering Foreign Intelligence, entitled “Which Foreign Intelligence Service Is the Biggest Threat to the US?” He repeatedly names Israel as one of the key threats.
While noting that Russia and China do the most effective spying on U.S., he says that “Israel also targets us.” He explains that “A NIE [National Intelligence Estimate] ranked [Israel] as the third most aggressive intelligence service against the US.” While praising the surveillance relationship with Israel as highly valuable, he added: “One of NSA’s biggest threats is actually from friendly intelligence services, like
Israel.” Specifically, the Israelis “target us to learn our positions on Middle East problems.” 
Yet that same document complains that the relationship even after 9/11 was almost entirely one-sided in favor of serving Israeli rather than U.S. interests:

As close as the ISNU relationship has become, it has not been without 
tension. The Jonathan Pollard incident is one example that had a negative, albeit 
temporary, impact to the SIGINT relationship. Balancing the SIGINT exchange equally 
between US and Israeli needs has been a constant challenge. In the last decade, it 
arguably tilted heavily in favor of Israeli security concerns. 9/1 1 came, and went, with 
NSA 's only true Third Party CT relationship being driven almost totally by the needs of 
the partner. Nevertheless, the survival of the state of Israel is a paramount goal of US 
Middle East policy. There is no doubt that the NSA-ISNU SIGINT relationship is built 
upon a solid foundation of trust and common purpose.
Der Spiegel article from last fall revealed that “Israeli intelligence eavesdropped on US Secretary of State John Kerry during Middle East peace negotiations.” A Le Monde article described how NSA documents strongly suggest that a massive computer hack of the French presidential palace in 2012 was likely carried about by the Israelis. A 2014 article from Newsweek’s Jeff Stein revealed that when it comes to surveillance, “the Jewish state’s primary target” is “America’s industrial and technical secrets” and that “Israel’s espionage activities in America are unrivaled and unseemly.”

  • The Israelis engage in active and aggressive espionage against the U.S., even as the U.S. feeds the Israelis billions of dollars every year in U.S. taxpayer funds and protects every Israeli action at the U.N.


The Franklin Case
A clear illustration of a double standard is the case of Colonel Lawrence Franklin, a case that clearly illustrates that espionage, when conducted by Israel, is not treated as seriously by the U.S. government as other cases of espionage. Franklin, a former employee at the U.S. Department of Defense, pled guilty to espionage in 2006 for giving classified information to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), as well as directly to Israeli officials, in an attempt to pivot U.S. military forces engaged in Iraq towards Iran.
The Bush administration successfully pushed the Justice Department to pardon Franklin’s co-conspirators and then pushed Justice to reduce Franklin’s 13-year prison sentence to 10 months of house arrest. Subsequently, members of U.S. Congress asked Obama to pardon Franklin in 2016, asserting that “his [Franklin’s] intentions were to save lives and protect this great country” despite the fact that Franklin had sought to involve the U.S. in a war with Iran in order to benefit Israel.

 The Lavon Affair 1954

The Lavon affair ("Esek Habish" - the shameful affair) was one of the most bizarre chapters in Israeli history.  In 1954, the Israeli secret service set up a spy ring in Egypt, with the purpose of blowing up US and British targets. The operation was code-named "Susanah." The terrorist hits were to be blamed on the regime of Egyptian President Gamal Abdul Nasser, with the purpose of alienating the US and Britain from Egypt and Nasser and somehow preventing Egyptian nationalization of the Suez canal. The ring was discovered. Strict censorship ensured that that the Israeli public officially knew little or nothing of the affair for many years. Names were not mentioned, the affair was called "Esek Bish" - the affair of shame, and key protagonists were referred to as "X" and "the third man." Unofficially and through leaks, most people knew at least the outlines of the affair.

The arrest of the ring resulted in an affair that dominated Israeli politics for over a decade.  Israel was embarrassed, as it had been caught trying to harm American and British interests for no reason and in instigating terror attacks against innocent targets. The spies who were not executed were left to rot in Egyptian jails. Meanwhile, a wave of persecution forced the emigration of tens of thousands of Jews from Egypt, leaving behind property, memories and roots. Investigations in Israel led to a trail of forged documents and perjured testimony, as everyone involved tried to implicate others. To all of the above would be added the ignominy of betrayal, as it became evident eventually that Israeli agent Avri Seidenberg (Avri Elad) had probably betrayed the operation to the Egyptians.
The spy ring was not run by the Israeli Mossad intelligence service, but rather by unit 131 of AMAN (IDF intelligence). The rationale behind creation of this group was that they would be local sleeper agents, trained in various techniques, who would remain in place and be activated only in case of war. At some point, someone decided, for unknown reasons, to activate the ring without waiting for war.

From <http://www.mideastweb.org/lavon.htm>

Excerpt: June 2018
Israel attacks USS Liberty
On June 8, 1967, Israel attacked an American ship, killing 34 and injuring 174 Americans. The US government responded by covering it up.

Israeli fighter aircraft and torpedo boats tried to sink the USS Liberty, a surveillance ship stationed off the coast of Egypt during Israel’s attack on Egypt and Syria. Israel was unable to sink the USS Liberty, but did manage to kill or wound almost the entire crew. Thirty-four Americans were killed and 174 were wounded.
Two explanations for the attack:
One is that Israel, which was committing a war crime by mass execution of Egyptian prisoners of war, was fearful that the USS Liberty’s surveillance had discovered the crime. The other is that Israel fearing an unfavorable outcome of the war that Israel had initiated intended to blame the attack on the USS Liberty on Egypt, thus bringing the US into the war on Israel’s side.
Admiral Tom Moorer, former Chief of Naval Operations and Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff. Frustrated at Washington’s coverup, indeed, Washington’s complicity in the crime, upon retirement Admiral Moorer convened the Moorer Commission to set the record straight.
The Moorer Commission concluded:
“That there is compelling evidence that Israel’s attack was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill her entire crew.
“That fearing conflict with Israel, the White House deliberately prevented the US Navy from coming to the defense of USS Liberty by recalling Sixth Fleet military rescue support while the ship was under attack.
“That surviving crew members were threatened with ‘court-martial, imprisonment or worse’ if they exposed the truth; and [the survivors] were abandoned by their own government.
“That there has been an official cover-up without precedent in American naval history.
“That a danger to our national security exists whenever our elected officials are willing to subordinate American interests to those of any foreign nation.”

From <https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2018/06/08/the-israeli-attack-on-the-uss-liberty/>

Excerpt: Memorandum for the record March 9, 1972
The Apollo Affair-Page 5 Paragraph 6:
On the basis of the foregoing it must be assumed for the purpose of U.S. National Security that diversion  of special nuclear materials to Israel by Dr. Shapiro and his associates is a distinct possibility. Such a diversion might be evolutionary or revolutionary. NUMEC was formed by Dr. Shapiro and his associates in 1957. ( Rest of paragraph is missing )

Paragraph7: On the other hand it is possible that the idea of diversion didn't occur until much later when the existence of the reactor at Dimona was discovered. ( Rest of paragraph is missing )

Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation

 December 2011
The Apollo Affair

Newly-disclosed documents have revealed that the Israeli regime stole nuclear material from a US stockpile of enriched uranium to build Tel Aviv's first atomic weapons.

The Institute for Research on Middle Eastern Policy examined hundreds of newly-declassified documents from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other agencies.
The study revealed that Israel used its intelligence operatives in the US as well as American Jews to infiltrate a US uranium stockpile between the 1950s and the 1960s and stole hundreds of kilograms of weapon-grade nuclear materials to manufacture its first atomic bombs.
After decades of Washington-imposed information blackout over the issue, the US Department of Energy finally confirmed in 2001 that 269 kilograms of uranium were stolen from the Numec nuclear facility in Apollo, Pennsylvania .
In the 50s, the US had contracted the supervision of the Numec to Zalman Shapiro, an American Jew suspected to have ties with Tel Aviv.
Over a period of 11 years, following Shapiro's appointment, 269 kilograms of enriched uranium were stolen from the plant under the course of an operation conducted by four Mossad intelligence agents, Rafael Eitan, Avraham Ben-Dor, Ephraim Biegun and Avraham Hermoni.
The Israeli spy agency, Mossad, is known for engaging in intelligence and assassination operations in many different countries.
Meanwhile, US Congress members and the Energy Department officials have refused to revoke Numec's contract or consider it as a security risk, despite warnings of potential sabotage activities and evidence of infiltration at the nuclear site.
Since 1958, when Israel began building its Dimona plutonium- and uranium-processing facility in the Negev desert, it is widely believed to have secretly manufactured numerous nuclear warheads, earning the reputation of being the sole possessor of such weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East.
Former US President Jimmy Carter has attested to the existence of the arsenal, which, he says, includes between 200 to 300 nuclear warheads.
Amid the harshly-toned and increasing Western allegations against Iran's peaceful nuclear program, analysts have questioned the West's continued refusal to consider Israel's aggressive military agenda to be a threat against the regional security.

From <https://www.sott.net/article/239342-Declassified-FBI-and-CIA-docs-confirm-Israel-stole-US-uranium-to-build-nukes-in-1950s>

 September 5, 2018

WASHINGTON — A bill that was passed by the U.S. Senate in early August and is currently under consideration by the House would mandate that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) work closely with the Israel Space Agency (ISA) despite the fact that such cooperation in the past was used by Israel to steal U.S. state secrets.
The provision is tucked within the bill titled the “United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018,” which would also provide Israel with $38 billion in U.S. military aid over a ten-year period, the largest military aid package in U.S. history. MintPress News previously reported that this massive aid package translates into approximately $23,000 every year for every Israeli family. However, the provision pertaining to NASA, which was first identified by the website If Americans Knewhas largely gone unreported.
According to the current text of the bill, NASA and the Israel Space Agency are mandated to work together “to identify and cooperatively pursue peaceful space exploration and science initiatives in areas of mutual interest, taking all appropriate measures to protect sensitive information, intellectual property, trade secrets, and economic interests of the United States.” The text also references past agreements established between NASA and the ISA such as the first mutual cooperation agreement, signed in 1996, and the 2015 “Framework Agreement for Cooperation in Aeronautics and the Exploration and Use of Airspace and Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes” as the basis for this “continuing cooperation.”

  • Now that we have some background into the History of America's Greatest Ally let us now examine the Illegal Legislation that can only be considered to be treason by the United States Government against the people of the United States. A government that seems to reward espionage by handing the Country of America over to those that would destroy a sovereign nation the very People that have a constitutional duty to protect it.

  • The Purpose for spying on the United States was to steal US secrets under the cover of trade missions and joint defense technology contracts. Contracts that in spite of the Israeli activity of espionage the United States Military, Homeland Security, and all agencies of the United States Government is still granting contracts to this rogue Nation that is not an ally but has proven to be a deadly foe, as the USS Liberty attack as well as other staged attacks against Americans are well known and are easily verified. There are many, many articles on the issue of Israeli espionage yet this rogue Nation in the current administration continues to receive Defense and Homeland Security Contracts as well as Contracts related to National Security Technology. Americans should question these contracts. 65

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China Dec 2013 Defense Tech News
Secret U.S. missile and electro-optics technology was transferred to China recently by Israel, prompting anger from the U.S. and causing a senior Israeli defense official to resign.
The head of defense exports for the Israeli Defense Ministry resigned after a U.S. investigation concluded that technology, including a miniature refrigeration system manufactured by Ricor and used for missiles and in electro-optic equipment, was sent to China, according to the Israeli newspaper Maariv.


October 10, 2018 : Israeli cybersecurity start-up awarded U.S. Homeland Security project

 Morphisec will become the first international business to receive a grant from the S&T’s Financial Services Cyber Security Active Defense Technologies category.
Beersheva-based cybersecurity startup Morphisec will work with the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to develop a cybersecurity defense solution for virtual desktop systems, the company announced Wednesday.

The DHS Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) will award a grant to Morphisec through its Silicon Valley Innovation Program to extend, deploy, test and evaluate its patented Moving Target Defense-based cybersecurity system for virtual desktop infrastructure, in an effort to prevent attacks on financial institutions.

WASHINGTON — The United States agreed Wednesday to provide Israel a record $38 billion in new military aid over the next decade. The pact is a sign of the two nations' close alliance despite major differences over Iran's nuclear program and other policies.
The agreement, which equates to $3.8 billion a year, is the largest bilateral military aid package ever and includes $5 billion for missile defense, additional F-35 joint strike fighters and increased mobility for its ground forces.

From <https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/09/14/united-states-military-aid-israel/90358564/>

US Army awarded a contract worth nearly $200 million for Israel’s TROPHY defense system its Abrams tanks

US Army inks $193 million deal to buy Israeli tank defense system
The TROPHY system, in use since 2011, will be supplied by an American company that partnered with Israel's Rafael arms manufacturer
The US Army on Tuesday awarded a contract worth nearly $200 million for Israel’s TROPHY defense system to shield its Abrams tanks, according to the Rafael Advanced Defense Systems contractor.
The systems, which block incoming anti-tank missiles, will be supplied to the US Army by the Armerican defense contractor Leonardo DRS, Inc., which partnered with Rafael to manufacture them.
The TROPHY, known in Hebrew as me’il ruach, or windbreaker, is an active defense system manufactured by Rafael that is designed to protect tanks and other armored vehicles from missiles and rockets.
It was first developed by Rafael and the Israel Aircraft Industries’ Elta Group and was declared operational in 2009.

From <https://thaimilitaryandasianregion.blogspot.com/2018/06/us-army-awarded-contract-worth-nearly.html>

EXCERPT: June 2018
BIRD - Israel-U.S. Binational Industrial R&D Foundation to Invest $6.3 Million in 7 New Projects
The approved projects involve innovations in the areas of advanced manufacturing, construction tech, food technology, healthcare IT, homeland security, electronics and others.
From <https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/bird---israel-us-binational-industrial-rd-foundation-to-invest-63-million-in-7-new-projects-686799801.html>

  • According to an article in Newsweek dated 2014 the Israeli Espionage goal is also America's Industrial and Technical Secrets. This has been verified by U.S. Intelligence Officials.
  • In 2013 According to Department of Homeland Security, The State Department, The FBI and the National Counter Intelligence Directorate "industrial espionage-people coming over here on trade missons or with Israeli companies working in collaboration with American Companies, or intelligence operatives being run directly by the government.
  • The History of Israel espionage dates back to at least 1948 and continues to this day under the guise of many "foundations" as well as companies. This is a  continuing evolving problem that seems to be very well known in the United States Government and yet more contracts are awarded by Homeland Security, NASA, The United States Military under the Pentagon.
  • America has not fallen America has been handed over to a foreign nation with the full knowledge of those that are supposed to protect America from foreign invasion. Invasion has not come to the shores of America with weapons. The invasion has come as a result of treasonous legislation in the District of Columbia and there is none innocent of treason either in Congress, The Senate, The House of Representatives or in the Office of the President and Vice President. Even the Pentagon has sold the American People out.
  • America has fallen under the guise of "Departments" Department of Transportation, Department of Agriculture, Department of Defense, Department of Energy and then there is NAFTA, NATO and many, many other instruments of power that have been created illegally in this country for the sole purpose of enslaving a nation of People.
  • Tucked within the bill titled theUnited States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018,” which would also provide Israel with $38 billion in U.S. military aid over a ten-year period, the largest military aid package in U.S. history. MintPress News previously reported that this massive aid package translates into approximately $23,000 every year for every Israeli family. However, the provision pertaining to NASA According to the current text of the bill, NASA and the Israel Space Agency are mandated to work together “to identify and cooperatively pursue peaceful space exploration and science initiatives in areas of mutual interest, taking all appropriate measures to protect sensitive information, intellectual property, trade secrets, and economic interests of the United States.”

  Title 42 USC 17337- United States-Israel energy cooperation Text contains those laws in effect on October 10, 2018

Also known as Public Law 109-58 August 8, 2005 Energy Policy Act of 2005  ( 551 pages ) 109th Congress
Senate President Dick Cheney, President George W Bush. Originally an "Agreement" that went into effect during Bill Clinton and Al Gore administration. The agreement entered into force in 2000.

42 USC 17337: United States-Israel energy cooperation Text contains those laws in effect on October 10, 2018

From <http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:42%20section:17337%20edition:prelim)>

§17337. United States-Israel energy cooperation
(a) Findings
Congress finds that-
(1) it is in the highest national security interests of the United States to develop covered energy sources;

(2) the State of Israel is a steadfast ally of the United States;

  • It has already been established that Israel is NOT an ally of the United States but instead is a foe that has engaged in espionage and theft of American Military Technology and has more than once been involved in operations that could and have led to war involving our sons and now daughters. This sentence in this legislation is beyond disgust.

(3) the special relationship between the United States and Israel is manifested in a variety of cooperative scientific research and development programs, such as-
(A) the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation; and
(B) the United States-Israel Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation;

  • BIRD and BSF and BARD are Israeli Espionage Agencies a known fact in the Halls of the District of Columbia. Which country actually benefits from a "strategic partnership" with a foreign nation under the guise of National Security? It has been absolutely proven that it is NOT the United States of America that benefits and indeed Americans are milked via legislation in monies that are in the hidden Billions that Israel receives in the Agriculture Budget, in the Miscellaneous monies that the Pentagon "cannot" account for, in the Billions of dollars in contracts of the Department of Defense, The United States Marine Corp., The Navy, The Army and the Air Force and these are just a few. The numbers of billions spent every year are an astronomical amount and yet Americans live paycheck to paycheck and on the credit usury system that yes these "Credit" Companies are Israeli owed.

April 22 1988
Weld-Burns spy ring purged at Justice Depts.

The astonishing degree to which Israeli and Soviet intelligence has taken over the U. S. Justice Department has come into focus following the ouster of Deputy Attorney General
Arnold I. Burns and Criminal Division director William F. Weld on March 29. Burns and Weld have claimed they left office because their factional enemy, Attorney General Edwin Meese, is corrupt, and that their effort to oust him had failed. Washington insiders point to Bums and Weld's known
ties to George Bush, and see their departure as evidence of a brutal Bush campaign shake-up. Neither version is correct. It now appears that the reason Burns and Weld fled office, is that U. S intelligence professionals are on the verge of proving that both officials oversaw crucial aspects of the
Jonathan Pollard Mossad-KGB spy ring. Pollard had been arrested in November 1985 for spying for Israel; subsequent investigation has proven his Israeli controllers sold much of his information to Moscow. Both officials have good reason to fear potential indictment for espionage or obstructing government investigations into espionage.

This is important when you consider that Burns 15 Bahama based corporate fronts were used to facilitate the laundering of personal funds. The facts suggests that the firms were crucial to the Israeli intelligence ring which ran Jonathan Pollard. All 15 of Bums's Bahamas corporations did business
exclusively in Israel, and only under the personal direction and authorization of Dr. Yigal Ehrlich, the Israeli Ministry of Industry's chief scientist. Minister of Industry Ariel Sharon,
Ehrlich's superior, controlled the Pollard network, via his chief subordinate, Rafi Eytan, who directed LEKEM, the Israeli spy agency, which employed Pollard.

NOTE: The Israeli government decided to disband Lekem, whose functions were assigned to the Director of Security of the Defense Establishment, adding technical and scientific intelligence to its responsibilities which include internal investigations of the defense ministry.
From <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lekem>

How LEKEM works in the U.S. The actual U. S. station chief for LEKEM in the United States is General Itzhak Ya'akov, who is now based out of Robotics and Software International (R SI) in New York.
Y a' akov is the former chief scientist of both the Israeli Defense Forces and the Israeli Defense Ministry. Ya'akov retired at an early age, in 1980, and emigrated to New York,nominally to solicit high-technology investment into Israel, especially its arms industries. His prime assignment, however,
was to field espionage networks, including those later directing Pollard. Ya'akov was certainly well suited for both tasks, having formed or sponsored a dozen of Israel's top arms industries and arms smuggling fronts. Some of these fronts later were implicated in the Iran-Contra sales which the U. S. Justice Department has done so much to protect. Ya'akov himself has traveled to Iran on several occasions, according to some reports, on behalf of these U. S. -Israeli sales. But Ya'akov's connections are not simply to Israel. Ya'akov's Russian-born wife has had a series of interesting
previous marriages into the exiled Russian nobility. U. S. intelligence sources report she has come under investigation for possible ties to the KGB. Ya'akov and his wife travel to the U. S. S.R. every year. Among the most significant operations established by Ya'akov is BIRD. BIRD had been formed in May 1976 by the U . S. and Israeli governments, nominally to "promote and support mutually profitable cooperation between the private sectors of the U. S. and Israeli high-technology industry. " In fact, BIRD's purpose was to facilitate Israeli scientific espionage in the United States, as later seen by its "tasking " of Pollard. This espionage was sanctioned by networks within the U.S. government as part of the secret protocols of the 1979 Camp David accords. The chairman of the Executive Committee of BIRD is the abovementioned Dr. Yigal Ehrlich, the chief scientist of the Israeli Ministry of Industry.T here are two prominent Americans on BIRD's board of governors. One was, until recently, John Negroponte, currently deputy director of the National Security Council, and one of the principal overseers of the Iran-Contra deals. The other is Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs, David C. Mulford. Mulford is a former senior officer in White, Weld, William Weld's family firm. Simultaneous with the formation of BIRD, Arnold Burns began forming a series of Bahamian-Israeli research firms, which to the naive government investigator, appeared to be mere shady tax shelters, or fronts for illegal tax scams. Every single one of Burns's firms was established by Burns in coordination with the above mentioned BIRD agent Israel Rosen. All projects carried out at the firms was done under the authority of BIRD's Ehrlich.
  • BIRD is  proven to be nothing more than a revived LEKEM a center for Israeli Espionage. The People of America are being deliberately deceived into believing that Title 42 USC 17337 Public Law 109-58 is in their National Security Interests when in fact this law gives Israel total control over every aspect of the lives of every American past, present and future. LEKEM has been given new names BIRD, BSF and BARD and repackaged to the American People. Code Name Talpiot.
(4) those programs have made possible-
(A) many scientific, technological, and commercial breakthroughs in the fields of life sciences, medicine, bioengineering, agriculture, biotechnology, communications, and others; and
(B) significant contributions to the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency through the established programs of the United States-Israel Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation and the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation;

  • BIRD-BINATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION - BIRD was formed initially with a total endowment of $200 million provided equally by each government (TAXPAYERS) of the United States and Israel. Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation (Bird) 1976 for the purpose of promoting joint non-defense industrial research and development by Israel and the United States for their mutual benefit with an eye toward commercialization.
  • One should be curious if an "agreement was signed in 1996 with BIRD than how was it that the United States Government was formed with BIRD as early as 1976? Gerald Ford was President in 1976 with Jimmy Carter following in 1977.
The Binational Science Foundation (BSF) as early as 1972? Nixon was President and Kissinger was head of the National Security Council so the Israeli's now had full co-operation with National Intelligence in the United States of America. District of Columbia compromised Politicians follow in their treasonous footsteps to this very day. Energy security is considered to be the PILLAR of National Security. That being the case it becomes quite clear how treasonous this Title 42 Public Law 109-58 is to the People of America because no foreign nation should ever be involved in the National Security of the United States. Especially to an Alphabet Agency like LEKEM aka BIRD, BFS and BARD and let us not forget AIPAC another Mossad operation operating openly in the United States of America.

(5) on February 1, 1996, the Secretary of Energy (referred to in this section as the "Secretary") and the Israeli Minister of Energy and Infrastructure signed an agreement to establish a framework for collaboration between the United States and Israel in energy research and development activities;

(6) Israeli scientists and engineers are at the forefront of research and development in the field of covered energy sources;
(7) enhanced cooperation between the United States and Israel for the purpose of research and development of covered energy sources would be in the national interests of both countries;
(8) United States-Israel energy cooperation and the development of natural resources by Israel are in the strategic interest of the United States;

  • Israel  resources are in dispute. In particular are the "Oil and Gas" reserves in the Levant Basin and the Leviathan Field. Israel is "potentially rich in natural reserves" but not in reality as it is all in dispute.
But ever since the Leviathan discovery, Israel has faced serious regulatory and political challenges, link. The Levant Basin is shared by Gaza, Lebanon, Cyprus and the Turkey-dominated Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, leading to maritime disputes. Turkey and Lebanon have challenged Israel’s right to the reserves, and the Israel/Lebanon maritime border in the Levant Basin is disputed (see map) with Lebanon claiming Israel is violating international law. From <http://www.factsaboutisrael.uk/israels-natural-resources/>
  • So, all of Israel's so called contributions are only "estimates" and have no basis in actual fact. So it appears  also that the resources of the United States are at risk in this Title 42 Public Law 109-58. The only claim Israel has to "Oil" is the Golan Heights which belongs to Syria legally and also according to the UN.

Oil in the Golan Heights: Recent drilling has found thick oil strata in the Southern Golan Heights north-east of the Sea of Galilee, link. Afek, an Israeli subsidiary of Genie Energy (a US oil company) say the oil strata thickness is ten times the normal world strata thickness, implying a potential production of billions of barrels. This could easily provide all Israel’s oil needs, link, link. Compared to gas finds, which are well off shore, the oil find is relatively close.
But this area is disputed: Israel claims the oil and ignores claims that it legally belongs to Syria, link. Certainly, this area is just outside the 1922 League of Nations sub-division of Palestine, which identified a Jewish homeland and which still legally stands under Article 80 of the UN Charter, see map.
From <http://www.factsaboutisrael.uk/israels-natural-resources/>

  • "When" Israel’s natural resources of gas and oil are developed, they will bring Israel to energy independence. One must wonder if the "when" is when the middle east has been totally defeated, bombed into oblivion like Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya all under the guise of fighting "terror" a war without end all wars for greater Israel. When you realize how deeply connected United States-Israel is in the legislative process you begin to wonder….when did America become Israel?

(9) Israel is a strategic partner of the United States in water technology;

U.S.-Israeli Water Cooperation
As one of the world’s leaders in water reuse and desalination technology, Israel has expanded its cooperation with various U.S. states to export water reuse technology. At the federal level, Congress has supported U.S.-Israeli cooperation through legislation. P.L.114-322, the WIIN Act (Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act), calls on the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to develop a coordinated strategic plan that, among other things, strengthens “research and development cooperation with international partners, such as the State of Israel, in the area of desalination technology.”

 2013 Article: American Water Awarded Contract from Israel-U.S. Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation

VOORHEES, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- American Water (NYS: AWK) , the nation's largest publicly traded water and wastewater utility company, today announced it is a partner to a $1.8 million, 2-year award from the Israel-U.S. Binational Industrial Research and Development (BIRD) Foundation along with Steam Control Ltd. for the development of an advanced pressured management system.

Stream Control Ltd. is an Israeli start-up company, which has developed Aqua-Guard, a patented electronic controller which integrates elements of hardware, software and hydraulics targeting a reduction of 25 percent of total water loss. The company has successfully completed a first pilot project in the city of Jerusalem and is currently launching the product in Israel, Brazil and the UK.

From <https://www.aol.com/2013/05/14/american-water-awarded-contract-from-israel-us-bin/>


BIRD Energy Executive Committee
Members of the BIRD Energy Executive Committee include:
Mr. Robert Sandoli, Director, International Program Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
Dr. Bracha Halaf, Chief Scientist, Israel Ministry of Energy
Dr. Katya Delak, (representing BIRD Board of Governors) – Office of International Academic Affairs, NIST, U.S. Department of Commerce

Others who have acted on behalf of the Executive Committee during 2017
Eitan Yudilevich, Ph.D. Executive Director
Ms. Elena Berger, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
Ms. Sandra Dickison, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
Dr. Gideon Friedman, Head, Renewable Energy and Electricity Grid, Israel Ministry of Energy
Mr. Israel Shamay, Executive Director Strategic Initiatives and Head of the Americas Operations, Israel Innovation Authority
Dr. Ami Ben Shalom, Israel Innovation Authority

From <http://www.birdf.com/bird-energy-executive-committee/>

To date, Congress and the Administration have provided a total of $15.7 million for the grant program, known as BIRD Energy. As of 2017, total combined U.S. and Israeli investment in BIRD Energy for 37 approved projects stands at $30 million.83

(10) the United States can play a role in assisting Israel with regional safety and security issues;

  • Interesting that AIPAC plays a role in the safety and security issues in Israel. To date AIPAC has yet to register as a foreign agent as outlined in the FARA Act.

Its critics have stated it acts as an agent of the Israeli government with a "stranglehold" on the United States Congress with its power and influence.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee was founded in 1951 by Isaiah L. "Si" Kenen.[13] Kenen originally ran the American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs as a lobbying division of the American Zionist Council. Before that, Kenen was an employee of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

AIPAC's stated purpose is to lobby the Congress of the United States on issues and legislation related to Israel.
  • And there you have it AIPAC's stated purpose. A foreign agent lobby's on issues of legislation related to Israel. A Mossad Agency in full view of Americans. A Zionist Committee for the American Zionist Council.
Supposedly AIPAC does not give money directly but rather raises funds from other sources. But yet AIPAC can deliver campaign donations.
PAC is Political Action Committee which is an organization that pools campaign contributions from members and donates them to campaign for or against a candidate.

Thomas Dine ( Dine had served as chief executive officer of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, president of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in Prague, and as Assistant Administrator for Europe and the New Independent States of Eurasia at USAID.
Most notably, he was the executive director of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) from 1980 through 1993 )
Thomas Dine developed a network to influence every member of congress. The "vital core" of AIPAC membership—American Jews[21]—made up less than 3% of the US population and were concentrated in only nine states.[22] But while AIPAC would not be able to deliver significant numbers of Jewish voters to most elected officials, it could deliver campaign contributions.
AIPAC created "caucuses" in every congressional district, with staffers organizing any Jews living there. Campaign contributions were bundled and distributed to districts and where they would do some good. According to journalist Connie Bruck, by the end of the 1980s there were "dozens" of Political Action Committees with no formal relation to AIPAC, but whose leader was often a member.[22] The Wall Street Journal reports that in 1987 at least 51 of 80 pro-Israel PACs were operated by AIPAC officials.
From <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Israel_Public_Affairs_Committee>

The United States has long defined Israel’s survival and security as important to its national interests. Accordingly, America provides Israel—the sole democracy in the Middle East—with annual security assistance to help it defend itself, by itself, against mounting threats across the region.
Please thank your members of Congress for passing the Ileana Ros-Lehtinen United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018 (S. 2497)—authored by Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Chris Coons (D-DE) and Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) and Ted Deutch (D-FL).
This bipartisan bill seeks to ensure Israel has the means necessary to defend itself, by itself, against a range of growing and emerging threats. Additionally, please urge your members of Congress to support $3.3 billion in security assistance to Israel and $500 million in cooperative missile defense funding for fiscal year 2019, as called for in the 2015 U.S.-Israel Memorandum of Understanding on security assistance.
The legislation passed the House of Representatives on September 12 and the Senate on August 1. The two different versions of the bill will need to be reconciled before going to the president for his signature.
From <https://www.aipac.org/learn/legislative-agenda/agenda-display/support-assistance-for-israel-and-foreign-aid>

  • AIPAC has yet to register as a foreign agent in the United States. Yet in reality that is exactly what it is. Here is the Law with the Link provided
The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) was enacted in 1938. FARA is a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi-political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities.  Disclosure of the required information facilitates evaluation by the government and the American people of the statements and activities of such persons in light of their function as foreign agents. The FARA Registration Unit of the Counterintelligence and Export Control Section (CES) in the National Security Division (NSD) is responsible for the administrative enforcement of the Act.
From <https://www.justice.gov/nsd-fara>

  • Here is another Link that exposes the AIPAC interest in the "Security of Israel" which is another example of the FARA Act that has not been applied to Israel which is in fact a foreign Nation and falls under the FARA Law

(11) the National Science Foundation of the United States, to the extent consistent with the National Science Foundation's mission, should collaborate with the Israel Science Foundation and the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation;

(12) the United States and Israel should strive to develop more robust academic cooperation in-
(A) energy innovation technology and engineering;
(B) water science;
(C) technology transfer; and
(D) analysis of emerging geopolitical implications, crises and threats from foreign natural resource and energy acquisitions, and the development of domestic resources as a response;
(13) the United States supports the goals of the Alternative Fuels Administration of Israel with respect to expanding the use of alternative fuels;
(14) the United States strongly urges open dialogue and continued mechanisms for regular engagement and encourages further cooperation between applicable departments, agencies, ministries, institutions of higher education, and the private sector of the United States and Israel on energy security issues, including-
(A) identifying policy priorities associated with the development of natural resources of Israel;
(B) discussing and sharing best practices to secure cyber energy infrastructure and other energy security matters;
(C) leveraging natural gas to positively impact regional stability;
(D) issues relating to the energy-water nexus, including improving energy efficiency and the overall performance of water technologies through research and development in water desalination, wastewater treatment and reclamation, water treatment in gas and oil production processes, and other water treatment refiners;
(E) technical and environmental management of deep-water exploration and production;
(F) emergency response and coastal protection and restoration;
(G) academic outreach and engagement;
(H) private sector and business development engagement;
(I) regulatory consultations;
(J) leveraging alternative transportation fuels and technologies; and
(K) any other areas determined appropriate by the United States and Israel;
(15) the United States-
(A) acknowledges the achievements and importance of the Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation and the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation; and
(B) supports continued multiyear funding to ensure the continuity of the programs of the foundations specified in subparagraph (A); and
(16) the United States and Israel have a shared interest in addressing immediate, near-term, and long-term energy, energy poverty, energy independence, and environmental challenges facing the United States and Israel, respectively.
(b) Grant program
(1) Establishment
In implementing the agreement entitled the "Agreement between the Department of Energy of the United States of America and the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure of Israel Concerning Energy Cooperation", dated February 1, 1996, the Secretary shall establish a grant program in accordance with the requirements of sections 16352 and 16353 of this title to support research, development, and commercialization of covered energy.
(2) Types of energy
In carrying out paragraph (1), the Secretary may make grants to promote-
(A) solar energy;
(B) biomass energy;
(C) energy efficiency;
(D) wind energy;
(E) geothermal energy;
(F) wave and tidal energy;
(G) advanced battery technology;
(H) natural gas energy, including conventional and unconventional natural gas technologies and other associated technologies, and natural gas projects conducted by or in conjunction with the United States-
Israel Binational Science Foundation and the United States-Israel Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation; and
(I) improvement of energy efficiency and the overall performance of water technologies through research and development in water desalination, wastewater treatment and reclamation, and other water treatment refiners.
(3) Eligible applicants
An applicant shall be eligible to receive a grant under this subsection if the project of the applicant-
(A) addresses a requirement in the area of improved covered energy sources, as determined by the Secretary; and
(B) is a joint venture between-
(i)(I) a for-profit business entity, academic institution, National Laboratory (as defined in section 15801 of this title), or nonprofit entity in the United States; and
(II) a for-profit business entity, academic institution, or nonprofit entity in Israel; or
(ii)(I) the Federal Government; and
(II) the Government of Israel.
(4) Applications
To be eligible to receive a grant under this subsection, an applicant shall submit to the Secretary an application for the grant in accordance with procedures established by the Secretary, in consultation with the advisory board established under paragraph (5).
(5) Advisory board
(A) Establishment
The Secretary shall establish an advisory board-
(i) to monitor the method by which grants are awarded under this subsection; and
(ii) to provide to the Secretary periodic performance reviews of actions taken to carry out this subsection.
(B) Composition
The advisory board established under subparagraph (A) shall be composed of 3 members, to be appointed by the Secretary, of whom-
(i) 1 shall be a representative of the Federal Government;
(ii) 1 shall be selected from a list of nominees provided by the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation; and
(iii) 1 shall be selected from a list of nominees provided by the United States-Israel Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation.

  • United States - Israel Binational Science Foundation another LEKEM Organization masquerading as a "Foundation" when the reality is the District of Columbia Politicians are allowing all technological advances to be handed over to a foreign nation.

The U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF) promotes scientific relations between the U.S. and Israel by supporting collaborative research projects in a wide area of basic and applied scientific fields, for peaceful and non-profit purposes.
Founded in 1972 by an agreement between the United States and Israel, the BSF is an independent body, directed by a board of governors consisting of five American and five Israeli members. Its base of operation is in Israel.

As set out in the 1972 agreement between the United States and Israel that established the BSF, the Foundation is governed by a Board of Governors consisting of 10 members, five from each country, appointed by the respective governments. The Board is responsible for determining financial and policy issues of the Foundation.  The Board meets twice a year, once in Jerusalem and once in Washington D.C. The chair and vice chair of the BSF alternate annually between the two countries. 

(6) Contributed funds
Notwithstanding section 3302 of title 31, the Secretary may accept, retain, and use funds contributed by any person, government entity, or organization for purposes of carrying out this subsection-
(A) without further appropriation; and
(B) without fiscal year limitation.
(7) Report
Not later than 180 days after the date of completion of a project for which a grant is provided under this subsection, the grant recipient shall submit to the Secretary a report that contains-
(A) a description of the method by which the recipient used the grant funds; and
(B) an evaluation of the level of success of each project funded by the grant.
(8) Classification
Grants shall be awarded under this subsection only for projects that are considered to be unclassified by both the United States and Israel.
(c) International partnerships
(1) In general
The Secretary, subject to the availability of appropriations, may enter into cooperative agreements supporting and enhancing dialogue and planning involving international partnerships between the Department, including National Laboratories of the Department, and the Government of Israel and its ministries, offices, and institutions.
(2) Federal share
The Secretary may not pay more than 50 percent of Federal share of the costs of implementing cooperative agreements entered into pursuant to paragraph (1).
(3) Annual reports
If the Secretary enters into agreements authorized by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall submit an annual report to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate, the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate, the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate, the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives that describes-
(A) actions taken to implement such agreements; and
(B) any projects undertaken pursuant to such agreements.
(d) United States-Israel Energy Center
The Secretary may establish a joint United States-Israel Energy Center in the United States leveraging the experience, knowledge, and expertise of institutions of higher education and entities in the private sector, among others, in offshore energy development to further dialogue and collaboration to develop more robust academic cooperation in energy innovation technology and engineering, water science, technology transfer, and analysis of emerging geopolitical implications, crises and threats from foreign natural resource and energy acquisitions, and the development of domestic resources as a response.
(e) Termination
The grant program and the advisory committee established under this section terminate on September 30, 2024.

From <http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:42%20section:17337%20edition:prelim)>

  • Title 42 USC 17337-United States Israel energy Cooperation. Public Law 109-58 continued thru 2024 per "agreement" October 2018.  Israel is a foreign government so to bind that foreign government thru the legislative process is nothing more than an act of treason against the People of America. This document is 551 pages long governing all aspects of the lives of Americans. This presentation addresses only one aspect of the legislation of Title 42. Every American needs to read the Public Law 109-58. A link is provided here : https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-109publ58/pdf/PLAW-109publ58.pdf
Titled: Energy Policy Act of 2005

  • There is NO SHADOW Government in America. There is only the District of Columbia who through illegal Legislation control every single aspect in the lives of every single American. There is not one Patriotic individual in the Halls of the District of Columbia. It is very clear that through Legislation there is NO loyalty to this country. All Loyalty in the Halls of the District of Columbia lie with one Nation and that Nation is not America it is Israel.

Excerpt:  In the decade of the 1970s, three U.S.-Israel binational foundations were established to foster closer ties between the two countries, to encourage development of Israel’s then nascent scientific community, and to promote mutually beneficial research and development along with mutually profitable business exploitation of new technology. The first of these was the Binational Science Foundation (BSF), founded in 1972 for the purpose of funding and permitting collaboration on a nonprofit basis by U.S. and Israeli scientists for advancement of important scientific research that is the basis for the technological development that eventually finds its way into the commercial world. This was followed by the founding of the Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation (BIRD) in 1976 for the purpose of promoting joint non-defense industrial research and development by Israel and the United States for their mutual benefit with an eye toward commercialization. It was to be managed as a kind of investment fund promoting joint ventures between U.S. and Israeli companies to commercialize important technologies for the mutual benefit of both countries. In addition to its endowment, BIRD was also designed to be funded by repayments of grants from joint ventures with successful projects. Then, in 1977, the Binational Agriculture Research and Development Foundation (BARD) was founded as a somewhat more mission oriented BSF to fund and promote collaboration by U.S. and Israeli scientists on important agricultural research and development projects of mutual interest and benefit. In these projects full collaboration between the U.S. and Israeli scientists was required and the budget was equally distributed between the U.S. and Israeli investigators.


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